Thursday, July 21, 2011

3rd Entry for July 4, 2011

These are 5-minute studies, hard charcoal on 18 x 24" sheets of cartridge paper..  It was challenging, trying to get the synthetic-looking  juxtaposition of plastic wig, lashes and glitter and incorporate his particular character as well. So for the longer poses I tended to get fixated more on drawing faces.
The final one was 5 minutes, but was followed by a break where I worked on additional shading and background.

Sessions like Sketchy's are interesting because on the one hand, the visuals are so striking that I want to go into realist recorder mode, as this person in this look and these poases may never happen again, so I feel I ought to document that. But who says all things need to be documented for posterity?

Also, it is a descriptive challenge - can I get the feel and the look if all this well documented, in the time available?  That is good exercise.  But the mix of costumes and poses like these can also be a catalyst to evolve something more personal, an area I don't investigate so much these days.

But where I am investigating close-focus fragmentary imagery through other drawing sessions, it is a good balance, to get loose and free in these sessions, so as not to slide into excessive preciousness overall.

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