Wednesday, February 11, 2009

3rd entry for February 8, 2009

There was, as usual, a 3-hour pose in the afternoon at TSA on the Sunday.
I was a bit surprised to find that Z- was working with I- , on a 2-figure pose. It was interesting, though, and once again the dynamics of two people, one undressed, one partially dressed was striking. This was the inverse of B- and his partner G- a couple of weeks back.

I- was stationed at one end of the couch, and Z- was my main focus, and I decided letting I- run out of the frame would have some drama to it. it was tricky drawing half of him. The drawing was done with 20 minutes to spare, so I used the remaining time to start a study of I- 's head, as I was feeling a little badly about marginalising him in the composition. Some of I - 's art and photography can be found on his website - check it out.

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